COVID-19 Webinars

Webinar on COVID-19 and Indigenous Communities

In this webinar, we aim to show that the healing of Indigenous lands and Peoples must be done together. Moderators: Waasakom and Eriel Tchekwie Deranger Speakers: Isaac Murdoch James Makokis Nitanis Desjarlais Jeff Wastisicoot This webinar was presented in collaboration with Idle No More and NDN fellows, Waasekom and Jesse Cardinal.

Webinar on Building Indigenous Communities of Care

This webinar is part of a series of four webinars between Indigenous Climate Action and Indigenous Rising Media (a project of Indigenous Environmental Network). This second webinar explored the theme of ceremony. In it, we discussed the importance of traditional practices during this strange time, including beading, singing, drumming, medicines, and language.

FAQ Webinar on Indigenous Peoples and COVID-19

This webinar is part of a series of four webinars between Indigenous Climate Action and Indigenous Rising Media (a project of Indigenous Environmental Network). The final webinar explored the theme of community. In it, we brought together three participants from both sides of the medicine line to speak to storytelling and its importance, and to share a few stories.

Traditional Indigenous Approaches to Mental Health & Well-Being of Health-Care Providers

This webinar is in partnership with the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO), Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)| Shkaabe Makwa, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), Chiefs of Ontario (COO) and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).

Urban Indigenous Response to COVID-19

The webinar’s objective is information-sharing regarding Indigenous knowledge’s, resources, and services, and supporting urban Indigenous community networks. The process and information of the webinar will be informed by Traditional Knowledges Keepers (Elders, Healers, Teachers) and Indigenous health experts.

Indigenous Peoples during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This webinar will discuss the impacts of the crisis on Indigenous peoples, and the importance of crafting context-specific local responses that will protect their fundamental human rights. Speakers include: - Mayor Pierre Corbeil, (Mayor Val d’Or, Canada) - Francisco Calí Tzay, (United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) - Irma Pineda Santiago, (Representative to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues) - Susanna Lörstrand Unga, (Sami Reindeer herder)


The Future of Indigenous Health in the Time of COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many groups of people including the Indigenous community over the last few months. Join us for a discussion on the impact of the pandemic on Indigenous populations, how health systems are responding, and learn what actions have been effective–or fruitless–in the provincial and local responses across the country.


Traditional Indigenous Approaches to Mental Health & Well-Being of Health-Care Providers

This webinar is in partnership with the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO), Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)| Shkaabe Makwa, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), Chiefs of Ontario (COO) and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).

March 7 COVID-19 Vaccination Q&A and Consent Form Review Session.png

COVID-19 Vaccination Q&A and Consent Form Information Session

At this online event, join Dr. Janet Smylie and Dr. Suzanne Shoush as they discuss the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, the Ontario Ministry of Health screening and consent form, and answer your vaccination questions live


Vaccine Hesitancy and First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Populations

This webinar was produced in collaboration with the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCCID). This webinar discusses some of the specific challenges for vaccine uptake amongst First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations, including their negative historic and contemporary experiences with mainstream healthcare systems, health care professionals, and vaccine providers in Canada.


Physical distancing: Stop the spread of COVID-19 in Indigenous communities

Government of Canada COVID 19: Indigenous Awareness Resources presents information to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Indigenous communities by taking steps such as avoiding gatherings and staying 6 feet away from others. Physical distancing can keep your family and your community healthy and safe.


Vaccine Hesitation & Benefits of Getting Vaccinated

A dialogue with Waneek Horn-Miller, Mohawk Olympian, Mother & Motivator, Dr. Ojistoh Horn, Bear Clan Family physician from Kahnawake, Working in Akwesasne - Kahentinetha Horn, Otiskareh:Wakeh — Spitting Bear Clan, Kahnawake - Leonard Benoit, Qualpi Mi'kmaq Indigenous Patient Navigator—Wolf Clan Organization: Toronto Regional Cancer Program.


kitatipithitamak mithwayawin: Indigenous-Led Planning and Responses to COVID-19 and other Pandemics

“Kitatipithitamak mithwayawin,” a Cree phrase for “sovereignty over health and wellbeing,” is an Indigenous-led initiative examining ways that health care systems and services have responded to the needs of First Nations communities during health emergencies and pandemics such as COVID-19.


COVID-​19 Webinar: Vulnerable Urban Indigenous Populations

On this webinar, a joint presentation between Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health at Dalla Lana School of Public Health and Well Living House, academic, community, and Traditional Knowledge Keeper experts will explore how issues related to health access and equity impact urban Indigenous experiences of COVID-19


COVID-19 Webinar: Indigenous Community Responses to COVID in Urban and Related Homelands

Over the past six months, Indigenous leaders and communities have built on our strengths, learning and adapting to support one another during a global pandemic. A lively discussion between Dr. Janet Smylie, Laurie Bouvier and Simon Lambert will focus on innovative programs and public health responses that support our off reserve communities.


What is the second wave, and what do I need to know about to keep my circle safe?

As the seasons change and we start to head inside for autumn and winter, we need to prepare together for new waves of COVID-19. Join Well Living House Director and physician Dr. Janet Smylie, and NAFC Executive Director Joceyln Formsma, as they discuss the second wave of COVID-19 and what you need to know about it to keep your circle safe.


COVID-19 Webinar: Staying well with Traditional Practices

Well Living House and the National Association of Friendship Centres were honored to host Elders Maria Campbell, Albert Dumont, and Dominique Rankin to share stories about traditional practices and staying well during COVID-19. This online event provided teachings on how to stay well through the pandemic and beyond with a focus on how to incorporate everyday ceremonial and traditional practices into our lives.


COVID19: How To Keep Safe This Summer

The National Association of Friendship Centers held a Facebook Live on July 22, 2020 to have a conversation with Ryan McMahon, the NAFC's Executive Director Jocelyn Formsma, and Dr. Janet Smylie (Director of Well Living House) about how to keep our community safe this summer during COVID.


COVID-19 Podcasts


Factsheets and Reports